
It would take years to identify all the references in this masterpiece. Here is compilation of information we collected from various sources (namely the Jan Vonhellemont Annotations and the Middlebury Annotations), but remember that there are always more references!

Click here for a full list of our sources

Friday, November 19, 2010


Abbadon. The Free Dictionary. Web. 18 November 2010. <http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Abbadon>.
Fagot. The Free Dictionary. Web. 18 November 2010. <http://www.thefreedictionary.com/fagot>.
Fyodor Dosteovsky. The Literature Network. Web. 18 November 2010. <http://www.online-literature.com/dostoevsky/>.
Gill, N.S. Tiberius – Roman Emperor Tiberius. About.com Guide. Web. 18 November 2010. <http://ancienthistory.about.com/od/tiberius/p/Tiberius.htm>. 

"Giuseppe Verdi." Encyclopædia Britannica. 2010. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. 19 Nov. 2010 <http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/625922/Giuseppe-Verdi>. 
Gogol, Nicolai.  “The Overcoat” and Other Tales of Good and Evil.  Trans. David Magarshack.  New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 1957.
Golding, William. The Lord of the Flies. New York: The Berkley Publishing Group, 1954.

"Hector Berlioz." Encyclopædia Britannica. 2010. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. 19 Nov. 2010 <http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/62247/Hector-Berlioz> 
Hegemon. Merriam-Webster. Web. 18 November 2010. <http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/hegemon>.

"Igor Stravinsky." Encyclopædia Britannica. 2010. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. 19 Nov. 2010 <http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/568550/Igor-Stravinsky>.
Kemerling, Garth. Immanuel Kant. Philosophy Pages. Web. 18 November 2010. <http://www.philosophypages.com/ph/kant.htm>.
Liukkonen, Petri. Mikhail (Yuryevich) Lermontov. Kuusankosken kaupunginkirjasto. Web. 18 November 2010. <http://www.kirjasto.sci.fi/mihaille.htm>.
Master and Margarita. Middlebury. Web. October and November 2010. <http://cr.middlebury.edu/public/russian/bulgakov/public_html/>.

Moss, Kevin. Mikhail Kuzmin. Middlebury. Web. 18 November 2010. <http://community.middlebury.edu/~moss/Kuzmin.html>.
Nisan. The Free Dictionary. Web. 18 November 2010. <http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Nisan>.
“Osip Emelievich Mandelshtam.”  Poet Page.  Northwestern University.  Web.  17 November 2010. <http://web.mmlc.northwestern.edu/~mdenner/Demo/poetpage/mandelshtam.html>.
Russiapedia. Prominent Russians: Aleksandr Griboyedov. Autonomous Nonprofit Organization. Web. 18 November 2010. <http://russiapedia.rt.com/prominent-russians/literature/aleksandr-griboyedov/>.
Schoenberg, Shira. The Sanhedrin. Jewish Virtual Library. Web. 18 November 2010. <http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/Judaism/Sanhedrin.html>.
Signs and Symbols of the New World Order.  Web. 17 November 2010. <http://www.exposingsatanism.org/signsymbols.htm>.
“The Five.” Encyclopedia Britannica.  The Encyclopedia Britannica.  Web. 17 November 2010.  <http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/208976/The-Five>.
“Themes: Society and Superficiality.” Eugene Onegin Study Guide. BookRags and Gale's For Students Series. Web. 18 November 2010. <http://www.bookrags.com/studyguide-eugene-onegin/themes.html>.
The Solovetsky Archipelago.  Solovki Encyclopedia.  Web. 17 November 2010. <http://www.solovki.ca/english/camp.php>.
Tolstoy, Leo. “The Death of Ivan Ilyich.” Great Short Works of Leo Tolstoy. Trans. Louise and Aylmer Maude. New York: Perennial Classics, 1967.

Vanhellemont, Jan. Master & Margarita. Jan Vanhellemont. Web. October and November 2010. <http://www.masterandmargarita.eu/en/index.html>.
“Yalta Multimedia Informaiton.”  GlobalArchitectsGuide.comWeb.  17 November 2010.  http://www.globalarchitectsguide.com/library/Yalta.php.